
Pink Payroll understands that payroll can be difficult at times. That is why we customize Payroll just for you, any industry, in any state. We want your experience to be professional, confidential and convenient. If you have any questions, our team will make sure to contact you back with accurate and timely information.

Have any questions about taxes, or tax forms? Below are some of the most common tax resources for California taxes. If your question is not answered, feel free to contact us at (800) 995-0308.

Common California Tax Forms:

DE- 4 Employee’s

Withholding Form

2015 Withholding


2015 California

   Employer’s Guide

Power of Attorney Form

California Payroll Tax

Withholding Tax:

California’s law requires employers to withhold state personal income tax (PIT) from their employees’ wages and remit the amounts withheld to the Employment Development Department.

Persons in business for themselves (independent contractors) are not employees and generally not subject to withholding.

–      Withholding Certificate

–        Rates and schedules

–        Other Info:



– 2015 California’s Employment Guide

– Power of Attorney


Tax Forms

California Non-Profit Payroll Tax Resources

Guide on Taxation of Non-Profit or Public Entities by the Employment Development Department (EDD)

Form to Select Unemployment “Financing” Method for Non-Profits

California Business Entity

Corporate Tax

Business Entity

California Sales & Excise Tax

Sales Tax

American Indian Tribal Issues

California Personal Income Tax

–         California Tax Rates and Exemption

Additonal California Resources

–        Change of Address

California Workers Compensation Insurance

California Department of Industrial Relations

Contact Information


California Tax Service Center

California Employment Development Department

Employment Development Department
P.O. BOX 826880, MIC 83
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

State of California Franchise Tax Board

PO Box 1468
Sacramento, California 95812-1468

SEO: Califiornia payroll service, CA payroll service, California small business, payroll service, California workers compensation insurance

California State of Board and Equalization

Toll-free: 1-800-400-7115

State Board of Equalization
P.O. Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279

Pink Payroll serves all of California.

San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Fresno, Sacramento, Long Beach, Oakland, Bakersfield, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Riverside, Stockton, Chula Vista, Irvine, San Bernardino, Modesto, Oxnard, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Oceanside, Lancaster


The Employment Development Department (EDD) administers payroll withholding and unemployment taxes and benefits.

The following is concerning EDD account numbers and Tax identifications.

Options for Tax IDs you need to obtain:

California EDD#
We will obtain an EDD # for you for $99.00. Alternatively, you may file online yourself.

Click Here  to obtain your California State Payroll Tax ID online.
Print or take a screen shot of the number once it displays on your monitor.  Provide this to Pink Payroll.  If it is not provided, provide us the response/reason as displayed online.

Other States Payroll Tax ID setup:  on our site, look at link in browser above replace “California” with your state name, and on that page you will find the link to your state’s website for information to get a State Tax ID.

We will obtain an EDD # for you for $99.00. Alternatively, you may file online yourself

Click Here  to obtain your number online.
Print or take a screen shot of the IRS Letter once it displays on your monitor.  Provide this to Pink Payroll.

FEIN and State ID Combination:
To obtain both numbers, we charge $149.00 total.

California Payroll Tax Information

The State Disability tax (SDI) is employee withheld, and the withholding rate for 2015 is 0.9 percent. The taxable wage limit is $104,378 for each employee per calendar year. The maximum to withhold for each employee is $939.40.