Getting Your Payroll Setup Documents To Us

Thanks for contacting us for payroll services!

While we are waiting to speak to you, you can get started with the setup now, if you like. 

We will do the actual setup for you, with the info provided.


Setup Forms:
Please print these forms, and fill out.

  1. Getting Started with Pink Payroll - Checklist - for you, an easy checklist
  2. New Client Data Entry Form - this form tells us about you, so we can prepare your authorizations and set up your file
  3. IRS W-4 - If you just need to provide us simple, limited employee information, just use this W-4 and write the employee's wage rate on the form.


These are the Documents We Need to Get Started:

1 -  Completed "New Client Data Entry" Form
2 -  Proof of IRS FEIN (Original letter, tax return, payroll  941 tax return, etc.)
3 -  Proof of State Payroll Tax ID(s) - if you do not have these, we will assist you
4 -  Company Bank Check image - voided or copy ok, we will not be using the actual check
5 -  Main account holders driver's license image

How to Get Us the Documents:

Email to us -  email link or email to payroll@ and ending with (split up to avoid us getting robot spam email).

Fax to 1-866-794-5515. This is an efax. It is confidential. Please use a cover sheet and number the pages


Call us now:
(800) 995-0308

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